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Two very influential men in the creation and framing of the Texas Constitution in 1875 were Edward Pickett, who presided over the convention, and the convention's secretary, Leigh Chalmers.

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Q: Who is were most influential in initiating and shaping the outcome of the Texas Constitutional Convention of 1875?
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Who influenced the outcome of the Constitutional Convention?


What was the outcome of the Constitution convention?

It was initially the "Grand Convention" or "Philadelphia Convention", not the Constitutional Convention, as it had been called in 1787 ostensibly to amend the Articles of Confederation. But the result, nonetheless, was the new US Constitution.

What was the result of the Constitutional Convention?

The U.S. ConstitutionThough the official purpose of the Constitutional Convention was to revise the Articles of Confederation the convention culminated with the signing of a new document, the U.S. Constitution.

What was the outcome of the constitution of the US?

It was initially the "Grand Convention" or "Philadelphia Convention", not the Constitutional Convention, as it had been called in 1787 ostensibly to amend the Articles of Confederation. But the result, nonetheless, was the new US Constitution.

What was the out come of the convention?

The constitution was the outcome. It created the government that has lasted to this day.

What was the out come of the constitutional conventions?

The constitution was the outcome. It created the government that has lasted to this day.

What were the secrecy rules during the constitutional convention?

The Secrecy rule said that the convention had to be held in secret and no outside sources could know what was being debated inside the convention. It helped delegates talk freely without the threat of media attention or possibly losing their political careers due to votes or subject matter they addressed.

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A primary force refers to a dominant or significant factor that drives a particular process or outcome. It represents the main force responsible for initiating or influencing a particular situation.

If you were to allow japan to keep the emperor what would be the outcome?

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The Annapolis Convention resulted in a request for a larger convention where all states would send delegates authorized to examine broad issues. This led to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia.