

Best Answer

The ATTTORNEY GENERAL of the state is the state's attorney.

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Q: Who is the state's lawyer?
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The lawyer can get as much as the contract you signed and agreed to states he gets.

When did Obama become a lawyer?

In the United States of America

What is the title of the states chief lawyer?

Attorney General

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Barack obamas job occupatiom-?

Barack Obama is the president of the United States. He is a lawyer by profession.

Can a lawyer practice in both WA and ID?

A lawyer must be licensed in the particular state in order to practice in the United states.

How young can a lawyer be?

Most states require an applicant to the bar to be 21.

Who is often called the government's lawyer?

United States Attorney General .

Where can you go to school to be a lawyer?

There are several schools in the United States where a person can go to become a lawyer. One of the schools is Harvard Law School.

How much money would they pay if you the president's lawyer?

The "President's Lawyer" is the Attorney General of the United States. His nominal salary is $200,000 a year.