The most famous serial killer to me is Mary Bell, because she started in her crimes at 10 years of age.
He is still alive and hiding
Jeff the Killer was just a made up story on creepy pasta. If you're asking if the story is still alive, then yes, people still talk about Jeff on occasions.
The most infamous John Fraser was a serial killer who lived in Australia. Other less violent but still famous John Frasers were a Scottish botanist and a Scottish football player.
Nobody knows, his killer was never caught or positively identified.
There are not many killer whales left there are in danger so there are not that many left
No, he is dead. He died in prison of a brain tumor.
Leatherface is a fictional character, and thus was never alive to begin with. The man who inspired him, Ed Gein, died July 26, 1984. He was a Wisconsin serial killer.
Dennis Lynn Rader was born on March 9, 1945, which makes him 67 today.
Bill Clinton
get lost this is stupid