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secretary of labor

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Haylie Corkery

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Q: Who is the head of the department of labor and adviser to the president on labor?
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What is the name of the departmentalgroup that advises the president?

It is called the Cabinet. The Cabinet consists of all the department heads appointed by the president and they individually and collectively advise the president on the decisions he must make. Head of the Justice Department is the Attorney General Head of the Labor Department is the Secretary of Labor Head of the Department of Defense is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Head of the Treasury Department is the Secretary of the Treasury There are several other departments in the Cabinet.

Who is the head of labor?

Hilda Solis is the head of the department of labor

Who approves of the head of cabinet department?

The senate approves the head of the cabinet department.

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The US Attorney General is a member of the president's cabinet and is the main legal adviser for the government. The Attorney General is the head of the Department of Justice and the chief law enforcement officer for the United States government.

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The head of a federal executive department is usually called "Secretary", except that the head of the Justice Department is the Attorney General.

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the head or the president of the organization is the boss or the godfather. next is the underboss then there is capo and the adviser the consiglier.

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Who is the current head of the US Department of Labor?

The current Secretary for the Department of Labor is Thomas Perez.

The Secretary of Defense reports to who?

The President, because he is the head of a Cabinet department.

What is the name of the group of executive department head who advise the president?

The Cabinet.

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The Secretary of Commerce, a member of the President's cabinet.

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