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Q: Who is responsible for deciding if a person is intoxicated and if the sellable call to them would be illegal?
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Who is responsible for deciding if a person is intoxicated and if the sale of alcohol to them would be illegal?

The person who actually serves, sells, or delivers the alcoholic beverage.

What is it called when its illegal to operate a vehicle while intoxicated DUI and?


Is drinking and driving illegal in Mexico?

Yes, it is always illegal to drive while intoxicated, no matter where you are. However, it is rarely illegal to drink and drive unless impaired.

What is alcohol influence for boat?

Boating while intoxicated is dangerous and is also illegal in most places.

Is it illegal to serve alcohol to an alcoholic?

It is not illegal to serve an alcoholic, although it has sometimes been illegal in the past to serve "known or habitual drunkards." In some jurisdictions it is illegal to serve a person who is apparently intoxicated. This sometimes applies only to commercial vendors whereas in other jurisdictions it also applies to social hosts. In some jurisdictions it is illegal to prevent anyone, including an intoxicated person, from leaving your premises.

Is it illegal in the state of Illinois to serve someone alcohol if they are intoxicated?

It depends upon which level of intoxication. It is solely upon the vendor.

Is the owner or the tenant responsible for illegal activity?

If the tenant has a rental agreement with the owner, the tenant is responsible.

If you get an illegal pregnant are you responsible for the baby financially?

You are responsible in EVERY way for any child you conceive.

Is it illegal to drive after taking Dexedrine?

It's illegal to drive while intoxicated. While the laws may not specifically state that it's illegal to take Dexetrine, if you're pulled over and determined to be under the influence, it's the same as if you'd been caught driving drunk.

Is it legal to ride a horse while intoxicated?

It all depends on the State and where you are riding it. Here in FLorida it is illegal if your on the street, you can be arrested for DUI just like in a car.

When did drink driving first become problematic and when was it that it first became illegal to drink-drive?

Driving while intoxicated became a problem after the first cars were sold.

Is DWI a criminal offense?

Yes. Driving while intoxicated (DWI) or Driving Under the Influence(DUI) is a Criminal Offence and Illegal in all jurisdictions within the U.S