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Q: Who is known for his separation of powers idea?
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What political idea is montesquieu known for?

Separation of Powers

Idea that the powers of government should be divided between and given to different branches called?

Separation of Powers Separation of Powers

Who did the framers get the idea of three branches of government and separation of powers?


Who advanced the idea of separation powers?


Who wrote the idea of separation powers?

Baron de Montesquieu came up with the idea of separation of powers between an executive, legislative, and judicial branch.

What is the doctrine of separation of powers in Zambia?

Zambia copied the idea of separation of powers from the United Kingdom and other modern countries.

Which philosopher wrote about the idea of Separation of Powers?


Who proposed the idea of separation of powers of government?

john Locke

Which idea of Montesquieu did the US use in the Constitution?

Separation of Powers.

What enlightened philosopher came up with the idea of separation of powers?


How did the writers of the us constitution put into practice the idea of separation of powers and a system of checks and balances?

The writers of the US Constitution put into practice the idea of separation of powers through a system of checks and balances.

The idea that the power of government should be given to different branches is ________.?

Separation of Powers