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Q: Who is known as the father of communication?
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because it's digital communication.

Who is the father the igbo tribe?

The father in the Igbo tribe is known as the "Nna" or "Nna-anyi," which translates to "our father" in Igbo language. The father plays a significant role in the family as the head, provider, and protector, responsible for the well-being and stability of the family unit. Communication with the father is often done through respect and adherence to cultural norms and traditions.

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Abraham is known as the father of Israel, or the Jews.

Who is known as father of civics?

iknow that aristotle is known as the father of civics

What are five ways Jesus prayed to his father?

Jesus did pray to His father through fasting and direct communication.

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He was known as the "Father of History" but he was also known as the "Father of Lies"

Why is the our father also known as the lords prayer?

It is known as the Our Father because it is a prayer to god that is the father of all things

Why is digital communication known as digital communication?

In digital communication message is to be transmitted in digital form. That is why it is called so .

Who is known as father of birds?

Salim Moizuddin Abdul Ali is known as father of birds.