actually it means how we define who we are responisble for helping and protecting
It means that the universe is cold and heartless. No matter how important you feel you are or how dear you hold anything, the universe doesn't care. We are all insignificant in the universe.
A man said to the universe: "Sir, I exist!" "However," replied the universe, "The fact has not created in me a sense of obligation" "Every sin is the result of collaboration" "When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers."
1.PuRe oBliGAtIon 2.cOnDItIonAl oBligAtiOn 3.oBliGatIon wItH a pErIod4.aLtErnAtiVe obLIgAtiOn 5.facultatIve oBliGatIon 6.jOiNt oBliGatIon7.sOlIdAry oBliGAtiOn 8.dIvIsiBle obLigAtion 9.inDiViSiBle oBLigAtion10.oBlIGatIOn wIth a pEnaL cODe
Obligation is extinguished by fulfilling the obligation as promised or as required.
A conditional obligation is obligation with a condition. ex... I will support your studies in college if Mr. A dies.
debt, obligation, duty, responsibilitydebt, obligation, duty, responsibilitydebt, obligation, duty, responsibilitydebt, obligation, duty, responsibility
In this context, the man is expressing his existence and seeking validation or acknowledgment from the universe. The universe's response implies that it does not feel obligated to recognize or validate the man's existence, showcasing a sense of indifference or insignificance in the grand scheme of things. This dialogue captures the existential theme of human beings seeking significance or purpose in a vast and seemingly indifferent universe.
A conditional obligation is an obligation that is only triggered if a certain condition or event occurs. This means that the obligation to perform or fulfill the duty is dependent on the specified condition being met. If the condition is not satisfied, the obligation may not need to be fulfilled.
I have an obligation to attend the meeting tomorrow.
A real obligation in the Philippines setting is the obligation to give. A thing must be deliver by the obligor to the obligee.
what are the different kinds of obligation