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Nobody would inherit the house, the owner still has it. If the property is in her name, he has no rights to it and cannot leave it to anyone else.

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Q: Who inherits in North Carolina when husband dies and house is in wife's name and husband has a will that says if wife sells house proceeds are to go to his children?
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Can a parent die without leaving bilogical children anything?

Yes. If there is a will and the children are not included, they're not included. If, say, a husband/father dies without a will and wife remains, wife inherits all whether she is mother of husband's children or not.

If husband's name is on a deed he dies he has a surviving wife he has 2 surviving adult children there is no will who inherits the real property?

The wife and kids.

If your husband quitclaimed his house into his and your name do his children have claim as heirs?

The spouse always inherits the possessions of the other. A will would also decide who get's what.

Who inherits in Tennessee when husband dies and house was in both names. he has two grown children by another marriage?

The spouse gets the home. The children are not entitled to a portion of the home. They are not required to get anything from the estate.

If husband inherits from his father does his wife get half?

No. His wife has no rights to the inheritance.

Your husband passed away and his deceased parents were still the beneficiaries of his annuity. Who inherits the annuity?

You should consult with an attorney who specializes in probate law in your area ASAP. The proceeds may have transferred to his parents' estates. In that case, the proceeds would pass under their wills or under the state laws of intestacy to their heirs at law. The attorney must review the policy, whether it was owned by your husband's estate and your state laws. You may need to take the matter to court.

Who inherits the children if husband and wife die without a will in Texas?

Children are not property and as such are not inherited. If there are family members that want custody, they can petition the court. The court will, with the recommendation of the appropriate agencies, grant custody to the appropriate parties, or put them in foster care.

When husband inherits property should his wife be added to title or does she automatically become coowner?


If Husband inherits property with his sister should his wife be added as his beneficiary?

she should just in case

Who gets the proceeds from Billie Holiday estate?

from what i understand , although she was in the process of leaving louis mckay ( her last husband) she died before she could actually divorce him.. he does have children and i believe that they are in charge of the estate

What happen if husband dies and owes on his car Wifes name is not on the title?

She would now owe on the car. She inherits everything.

If husband and wife die together who inherits their house etc does it go to immediate children of the husband or wife?

Nice. You have to define the order of death, even by seconds, either by physical evidence or by assuming from the circumstances. First the spouse inherits, then their kids. e.g.;Car crash, man dies half an hour before, woman takes the money, then woman dies , her kids get the money. Man s kids get nothing, or less. It was a big issue when Kennedy Jr was killed... Cool, no?