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Postmaster General

also, Congress had the poser to set up a postal system.

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Q: Who in the United States has the power to monitor the postal system?
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Articles of Confederation- monitor of postal system?

The Assembled Congress had the right to establish and monitor the postal system in individual states.

What country has zip code of 80000?

If it is a ZIP Code®, then it is always in the United States, because "ZIP Code" is the name for the U.S. system of postal codes. Other countries have various systems of postal codes, but the name "ZIP Code" applies only to the United States.

Who invented postal service?

Benjamin Franklin was the first postmaster general of the United States. He designed the post office based on the British system.

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Mexico has its own system of postal codes (the term "ZIP Code" properly applies only to postal codes in the United States and the Philippines) and telephone area codes.

Why was Benjamin Franklin on one of the first postage stamps?

{| |- | Benjamin Franklin was on US Scott number 1. He was the first Postmaster General of the United States. He was instrumental in the development of the postal service, the post roads and the entire postal system. |}

All countries zip codes?

Not all countries use a ZIP or postal code system. For those that do the codes refer to areas within a country, not to the country itself. There are probably many hundreds of thousands of them world wide.

Does Panama City Panama have a zip code?

Panama does not have a home mail system or zip codes like the United States.

Does the united nations have its own postal service true or false?

True or False: The UN has its own postal system.

Why was Benjamin Franklin's portrait one of the first U.S. postage stamps?

{| |- | Benjamin Franklin was on US Scott number 1. He was the first Postmaster General of the United States. He was instrumental in the development of the postal service, the post roads and the entire postal system. |}

What is Ghana's zip code?

A ZIP code is a postal code used in the United States. Ghana doesn't have a U.S. ZIP code, it has its own postal code system. You can probably find the code you need here:

What is the postal or zip code of the US?

The newer version is more user friledny than the older versions, I have 2004 version and i found it to be better than 2000 version. Now it is up to you to decide what version you like to buy.In reply to you email, I would suggest getting 2004 version.

What is the USPS?

The USPS is the United States Postal Service. It is the government operated mail delivery system. It is self funded through sale of stamps, postage, and supplies. It is not funded by tax dollars.