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your mum, you little puC

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โˆ™ 10y ago
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โˆ™ 3y ago
that is a stupid and mean answerย 

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Q: Who holds the majority of the seats in each committee?
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The majority party holds a majority of seats each committee and subcommittee in the house and senate?

Your mother

Why are there 2 leaders for the senate?

I assume you're referring to the Majority Leader and Minority Leader. There are two because there are two major parties; each party chooses its own leader, with the party that holds the majority of seats selecting the Majority Leader.

How are the numbers of republican and democrats on each committee decided?

The number of republicans and democrats on each committee are decided by the majority party. The party with more senators or representatives has more members on each committee.

What party controls the standing committee?

majority party of each house

Who controls each committee of each house?

The majority party appoints the chairs and determines the membership of the committees. The chair has a lot of control over what the committee does.

How is the majority party in each house able to influence the committee process?

The majority party in each house appoints the committee chairs and has a majority of the committee members, giving them control over the committee's agenda, priorities, and decisions. This allows them to influence which bills are considered, how they are debated, and whether they move forward for a full vote by the chamber.

Is it true that each member of parliament holds two seats in the house of commens?


Who control the standing committee of each house?

The majority party appoints the chairs and determines the membership of the committees. The chair has a lot of control over what the committee does.

How many mla seats in a political party?

The number of MLA seats a political party holds varies depending on the results of the legislative elections. The party with the majority of MLAs forms the government, while the other parties represent the opposition. Each MLA represents a specific electoral district and the total number of seats in a legislative body is typically fixed.

What has guided the selecting of committees chairpersons?

The majority party from each house selects the chairperson for each committee.The unwritten rule of the seniority system traditionally has guided the selection of chairpersons. The seniority system gave the member of the majority party with the longest uninterrupted service on a particular committee the leadership of that committee.

Who had the majority in the senate 2000-2008?

In the US: 2000-2002: 50 seats for each party (Republicans had the tie-breaking vote of the Vice President) 2002-2004: Republicans (51 seats) 2004-2006: Republicans (55 seats) 2006-2008: Democrats (51 seats, with 1 independent) The Liberal Party held the majority in the Australian Senate.