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Using the USA and a bill that has financial implicationsas examples,( a money bill ) three bodies of the Federal government must concur on a bill before it becomes law. The House of Representatives must vote and pass the bill. ( the 1st body) The bill moves on to the Senate ( the 2nd body ) if the bill is passed in the Senate it is sent to the 3rd body for approval, the US President. If he signs the bill it becomes law.

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11y ago

Congress must first approve a bill in both houses and then send to the President who can veto it,approve it or allow to become law by NOT signing . It can be passed into law over the veto by a 2/3 favorable vote in both houses of Congress.

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the federal legislature must approve a bill before it can become a law

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Q: Who has to concur on a bill before it becomes a law?
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What do a bill and a law have in common?

A 'bill' is what the legislation is called before it becomes a 'law.'

What is a law before it becomes one?

A bill.

Who must sign a bill before it becomes a bill?

If a state law, the Governor. If federal law, the President.

Who must approve a bill before it becomes law?


What is a bill in the Constitution?

a statute in draft before it becomes a law.

Who has the power to veto a bill before it becomes law?

the president

Why is the bill so important?

Because the bill stage is the stage before a bill becomes a law. Then bill is not yet offical.

A bill that becomes a law is called?

A bill that becomes a law is called an act.

What is final step before a bill becomes a law?

Approved by the Governor General.

How can a bill can be killed before it becomes a law?

The house of lords fail to pass it

What happens when the president signs a bill?

The president signs a bill after the legisilative branch approves it. The president (executive branch) enforces or carries out a law ( or bill. )

After a bill is signed how many days pass before it becomes law?

One year