In most constitutional systems, the ultimate power rests with the people. The constitution outlines the framework of government and establishes the sovereignty of the people. Power is typically divided among branches of government such as the executive, legislative, and judiciary, ensuring a system of checks and balances.
Yes, this is an expressed power of the constitution.
enumerated power :)
Voters od each state
Expressed powers are those powers directly stated in the Constitution. Most of those powers are found in the first three articles of the Constitution. Examples are the power to levy and collect taxes, to coin money, to declare war, and to regulate commerce among the states. Expressed powers are also known as enumerated (listed) powers.
The right of the federal government to coin money is an exclusive federal right provided for in the constitution. The constitution also grants the government to regulate the value of the coins.
Expressed powers are powers written down for Congress in the Constitution.
Expressed power are those powers granted specifically in the constitution.
The people are the ultimate source of power
Yes, it is expressed in Article I, Section 8 as the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations and among the several states and with the Indian tribes.
The power to coin money is an expressed power. This is a power that is provided to Congress in Article 1, Section 8 of the US Constitution.
The doctrine of expressed power implies that powers not specifically listed in the Constitution will not be given to the national government, but will be reserved for the states.
The power to collect taxes is an expressed power of Congress. That's to say it's written in the constitution that they have the power to collect and levy taxes. If the power was not written in the constitution was granted by on laws passed, this would be an "implied power".