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If the mother and father were married at the time of her death, then the father has the rights to the ashes, and will have that right for as long as he lives. The exception to that would be if the mother left a will requesting that her ashes be left to the daughter (or someone else).

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17y ago

It is usually stated in the will or given as a directive to the funeral home. If that is not stipulated anywhere then it would go in a natural respective order. If a spouse passes away it is that of the surviving spouse. If a child passes away it is that of the parents. If a mother or father pass away usually the oldest gets them and should share them and that can be however the family agrees upon. Have the urn stay at one anothers houses for specific times or divide the ashes up or everyone go to the deceased favorite spot and each sprinkle some out. If one of the children took care of an elderly, sick parent more than the others then they should decide.

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18y ago

Without a doubt the daughter. That is her father unless they had a bad relationship but otherwise the daughter.

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Q: Who has the rights of ownership of your father's ashes and is it his daughter or his mother?
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