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Q: Who does the theory of popular sovereignty holds that all power?
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What is it called when the people have the power to make decisions about government?

popular sovereignty

Why is sovereignty one of the US most cherished ideals?

Popular Sovereignty is extremely important to the people of America due to the issues the lack of it had before, with the British monarchy. The concept of popular sovereignty claims that the power that government holds is only maintained by the people's consent.

What power is exercised when state legislatures or national conventions vote for or against a constitution amendment?

popular sovereignty

The notion that power lies with the people is called popular what?

popular sovereignty

Why did popular sovereignty appeal to many Americans?

Popular Sovereignty is extremely important to the people of America due to the issues the lack of it had before, with the British monarchy. The concept of popular sovereignty claims that the power that government holds is only maintained by the people's consent.

What is the power of the government if the people have ultimate power?

Popular Sovereignty

What body has control when a society has popular sovereignty?

Popular sovereignty is the idea that government derives its power from the people.

What is the popular sovereignty and how does the constitution support the idea of popular sovereignty?

popular sovereignty is the belief that the legitimacy of the state is created by the will or consent of its people, who are the source of every political power and the constitution does support it.

Is voting an example of popular sovereignty?

Popular sovereignty means people have a voice in the government and this means they have a voice to vote in the government

Who propounded the Monistic theory of Sovereignty?

The monistic theory of sovereignty was put forth by the German jurist and philosopher Hans Kelsen. According to this theory, the state holds ultimate legal authority, with all other entities deriving their authority from the state. Kelsen's theory emphasized the hierarchical structure of legal norms.

What is popular sovereignity?

Popular sovereignty is the idea that a democratic form of government gets its power (sovereignty) from the people (hence the "popular" part). For a more in-depth explanation, click on the link that says Popular Sovereignty.

Popular sovereignty means that the power to govern comes from the constant of whom?

the people Popular sovereignty means that power is derived from the consent of the governed people.