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Works of sufficient originality that are fixed in a tangible medium.

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Each country's copyright law applies to its citizens, but all members of the World Trade Organization recognize the copyrights of all members' citizens.

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Creators of original works.

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Q: Who does the UK copyright law protect?
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How will the copyright law protect the ideas?

Copyright law cannot protect ideas, only the expressionof them in writing, sound, art, etc.

What is the UK copyright act?

The current UK copyright law is the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988, as amended.

In which year was copyright law enacted in Ghana?

Ghana adopted UK copyright law in 1911.

What is the Federal copyright act of 1965?

The Copyright Act 1965 is an outdated UK copyright law; the current law is the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988.

What is the copyright law for the UK?

The 1988 Copyright Designs and Patents Act, as amended.

When did copyright become law in the UK?

UK copyright laws have been in place since the early 1700's

What is the law you are breaching in copyright?

The specific law varies from country to country. In the US, it is the Copyright Act 1976; in the UK, it is the Copyright, Design, and Patents Act 1988.

What law covers copyright in England and Wales?

The Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act of 1988 is the current intellectual property law in the UK.

What law protects your work from copyright infringement?

It requires permission from the copyright holder or an exemption in the law.

How does copyright protect an invention?

It doesn't. Patent law protects inventions.

Copyright law protects the rights of?

it protect the rights of authors creativity

In the US does copyright laws not protect original ideas as intellectual property?

Copyright law in general does not protect ideas, but rather it protects the expression of those ideas.