Is a contract valid if it was not notarized?
It depends on the type of contract.
A contract usually does NOT have to be notarized. Any private
contracts for sales of goods or services do not require a notary
signature. Additionally, some court papers, such as petitions and
motions do not have to be notarized since the person filing the
form is usually the person who drafted it. With a few states as
exceptions, divorce papers do not require a notarized signature
There is a requirement that certain documents be notarized, such
as a real property deed (such as would be for a house or
apartment). Unless specifically required by state or municipal law,
a contract does not have to be acknowledged before a notary
Of course, this is not a true legal opinion. If you have a
specific contract and you wish to assess its validity, please bring
it to a lawyer. Also note that this Answer from WikiAnswers does
not create Attorney-Client privilege nor can it be considered true
legal advice.