Cease means to stop and desist means to not do it again. To cease and desist tells a person to stop doing something and not do it again in the future.
Cease and Desist - 2009 was released on: USA: 2009
If you are looking for a template for a cease and desist letter then you should go to the Rocket Lawyer website and find their tab for the Cease and Desist template.
The company sent a cease and desist letter to the competitor demanding they stop using similar branding.
CEASE AND DESIST! means stop that...
Need a sample of a cease and desist letter to creditor stating I cannot pay bill right now.
Cease, halt, stop.
The cast of Cease and Desist - 2009 includes: Ari Forman as Himself (Ari Saal Forman)
The police ordered the protesters to desist from blocking the road.
The court gave the man a Cease and Desist order; he had to stop what he was doing.
Delivery of a cease and desist order can be done by any adult. The order has to be authorized by the parties or their recognized agent, which could be the same attorney.