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responsilitiy of president of the senate?

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Q: Who do the formal responsibility of president of the senate belong to?
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The formal responsibility of president of the senate belongs to?

the vice president

What is the formal duty of the vice president?

A formal duty assigned to the vice president by the Constitution is to preside over the Senate. Specifically, his role is to cast a vote when a Senate deadlock occurs. Plus, he is also assigned to give certification on the official vote count of the U.S. Electoral College.

What is the Vice president's only constitutional responsibility?

to break a tie in the senate

Who is in charge of United State's Senate?

The Vice President of the United States is the presiding officer of the Senate and is in charge of it. However, the day-to-day operations of the Senate are overseen by the Senate Majority Leader and the Senate Minority Leader, who are elected by the members of their respective parties.

What is the duties of vice president?

His only responsibility if to make the deciding vote in the Senate as the President of the Senate if there is ever a tie on legislation. His other duty is to take over as President should something happen to the sitting President.

What is the Duty of vice president?

His only responsibility if to make the deciding vote in the Senate as the President of the Senate if there is ever a tie on legislation. His other duty is to take over as President should something happen to the sitting President.

What is the primary responsibility of the vice president?

The underlying primary responsibility is to be ready to assume the office of President . The only duty in the meantime is to chair the US Senate.

One responsibility of the is to act as chairperson of the senate?

The Vice-president of the US serves as the President of the Senate, therefore he acts like a chairman would in running the meeting. If the vice-president is unavailable to perform these duties, one of the Senators is chosen from among themselves to be "President pro-tempore" of the Senate.

What are the two official roles of the Vice-president?

There are two official roles for the vice president. The two official roles of vice president are to take on the responsibility of president in the event he is unable to perform his duties, and to preside over the Senate.

Who has the sole responsibility to officially charge president with treason?

The United States Congress has this responsibility; the House of Representatives Impeaches, and the Senate convicts.

Is the vice president given the constitutional responsibility to act as the presiding head of supream court?

No, under the US Constitution the Vice President serves as the President of the Senate.

What are two powers or responsibilities of the vice-president?

The main roles are to be the formal President of the Senate and to become President if a sitting President dies, resigns, or is removed from office by the impeachment process.