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In this type of situation, the children live with both parents in a shared role but one of those households would have been assigned as the primary residence for the child.

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Q: Who do children live with in joint physical custody?
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Does it matter where you live if I have joint custody of your child?

It can if there's a concern for safety or health. Why not grant the child joint physical custody of you? see related link

Can you move out of state to live with famiuly if you have joint physical custody without permission if you are going to be homeless if you stay?

Yes, but the children goes to the other parent to live while you're gone.

What is joint sole custody?

Parents who don't live together have joint custody (also called shared custody) when they share the decision-making responsibilities for, and/or physical control and custody of, their children. Joint custody can exist if the parents are divorced, separated, or no longer cohabiting, or even if they never lived together.

Could you get joint physical custody if you live in a deferent state?

Yes, see links below

Can a parent who shares joint custody move to a different city but is staying within the same state?

Best Interests of the children. Are you talking about physical custody or legal custody? Visitation schedule? Hopefully the parents can work it out in concilation court. for more details see ANSWER:: my parents are divorced and live three hours away from each other and have joint custody so it is possible.

If you haven't established custody and the father has moved out of state and is now asking for joint legal and physical custody can he win?

It will be very dificult for the father to have joint legal and physical custody on the gounds that he is not avalible. The courts want the two parents to live in the same area to co-parent. He could if he moved back.

Can one parent have sole custody and the bothparents have joint physical custody?

This what i know that my parents are separated but, i live with my mom but i go to my dads house every weekend. Sometimes if my mom is nice enough i will go to his house on the weekday and ride the bus to school from and back to his house. I don't know about the joint physical custody.

In California if father has primary physical custody and both parents have joint legal custody can the child choose which parent he wants to live with?

No, legally a minor has no choice in the matter.

Father and mother never married children born in Florida father now lives in Georgia does he have to legitimize them in Georgia to have them come live with him?

If the children live with their mother in Florida and the father never established his paternity legally, a Georgia court would have no jurisdiction over the children. Their mother has sole legal custody. If the father wants to establish his "parental rights" he will need to establish his paternity where the children are domiciled. Once he has established that he is their father he can request joint custody or a visitation order and the mother can request a child support order if the children are to remain in her physical custody.If the parties want to make the change in custody by consent of the parties he should consult with an attorney to determine how that can be accomplished.If the children live with their mother in Florida and the father never established his paternity legally, a Georgia court would have no jurisdiction over the children. Their mother has sole legal custody. If the father wants to establish his "parental rights" he will need to establish his paternity where the children are domiciled. Once he has established that he is their father he can request joint custody or a visitation order and the mother can request a child support order if the children are to remain in her physical custody.If the parties want to make the change in custody by consent of the parties he should consult with an attorney to determine how that can be accomplished.If the children live with their mother in Florida and the father never established his paternity legally, a Georgia court would have no jurisdiction over the children. Their mother has sole legal custody. If the father wants to establish his "parental rights" he will need to establish his paternity where the children are domiciled. Once he has established that he is their father he can request joint custody or a visitation order and the mother can request a child support order if the children are to remain in her physical custody.If the parties want to make the change in custody by consent of the parties he should consult with an attorney to determine how that can be accomplished.If the children live with their mother in Florida and the father never established his paternity legally, a Georgia court would have no jurisdiction over the children. Their mother has sole legal custody. If the father wants to establish his "parental rights" he will need to establish his paternity where the children are domiciled. Once he has established that he is their father he can request joint custody or a visitation order and the mother can request a child support order if the children are to remain in her physical custody.If the parties want to make the change in custody by consent of the parties he should consult with an attorney to determine how that can be accomplished.

You were given custody of your child in Wisconsin your case was never transfered to Michigan and in Michigan the father and you have joint custody what one is actually legal?

Why are there two orders? Which was filed first? Where do the children live?

Is primary physical custody the same as sole custody?

They are two terms used interchangeably that essentially mean the same thing. Primary physical custody refers to the parent with whom the child resides with the majority of the time but, joint custody has been granted. Sometimes a parent may have primary physical custody but the other parent may have legal custody, meaning one parent shall have the right and the responsibility to make the decisions relating to the health, education, and welfare of a child." This parent can make all decisions without seeking in put from the other parent.

If two parents have joint custody how many miles apart does the parents need to live from each other?

There are no distance requirements for joint custody.