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Q: Who designates in writing the appointed agents that will have access to weapons?
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What amendment for a court appointed lawyer?

In the United States, access to a court-appointed attorney is a defendant's right under the 6th Amendment.

What types of guns weapons did the slaves have have access to?

In the US, it was illegal for a slave to possess ANY firearm. However, they did have access to edged tools (axes, knives, etc) that could be used as weapons.

............. refers to reading and writing data consecutively?

sequential access

Which countries do not have access to nuclear weapons?

all countries, except the 8 or 9 that do.

How can one access Writing Services at the University of Guelph?

One can access Writing Services at the University of Guelph at the University of Guelph's Library. One must make an appointment or attend a writing Workshop. Sign up at the library.

What kind of access refers to reading or writing data consecutively?

That would be sequential reading or writing, as appropriate.

What does mean - basic access in Pirates of the Caribbean Online?

Basic Access is the free version of the game. It limits the levels and types of weapons you can use.

What countries have access to biological weapons?

126 Countries The most known is of course Russia (earlier sovjet) and USA :-) You probable mean Bio-Chemical weapons ;-)

How come you can't pick up any more weapons on saints row 3?

To obtain new weapons that you can then forever have access to, you must purchase the weapon, pick them up or earn them. Once you have every weapon, you can just access them in your crib and choose which weapons you want to carry. Thus there being no need to keep collecting them.

Why don't slaves rebel?

Slaves typically do not rebel because their masters have access to weapons and the slaves do not.

Does North Korea have biochemical weapons?

unless you live in north Korea and have outside world and government weapons access, and are willing to share that info, you wont get anything, but they probably do.

What happens when you get all the small weapons in assassins creed 2?

Nothing "happens." You just unlock all small weapons and can access them in Villa Auditore to use them as you please.