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The Supreme court.

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Q: Who decides whether an official accused should be removed from office or not?
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Where does the impeachment for a federal official begin?

The House of Representatives is where impeachment of a federal official begins. The House has the power to impeach, but the Senate decides whether or not to remove the official from office if he or she is impeached by the House.

What body must the impeachment of a federal official begin?

The House of Representatives is where impeachment of a federal official begins. The House has the power to impeach, but the Senate decides whether or not to remove the official from office if he or she is impeached by the House.

What kind of vote in which citizens decide whether or not a public official should be removed from office?

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In what type of vote does citizens decide whether or not a public official should be removed from office?


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The grand jury listens to all the evidence in a case against the accused and decides whether to charge the individual with the crime. This is called an indictment or an information.

When someone filters media he or she?

decides whether a media piece is meaningful or not.

Who decides whether a territory can become a state?

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The Senate reviews laws and decides whether they are within the guidelines of the Constitution.

Which branch decides whether the Constitution is being followed?

The Judicial Branch decides whether or not a law is unconstitutional.