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A constable may search an arrested person, in any case where the person to be searched has been arrested at a place other than a police station, if the constable has reasonable grounds for believing that the arrested person may present a danger to himself or others.

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Q: Who can police search during a section 32 house search?
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Can the police search your house if they hear shooting in your backyard?

If the police have probable cause to believe that a crime is being committed, they can search a house without a warrant. There are too many variables for a short answer. The short answer is you can tell the police they are not allowed to search your house. Be sure you record it if you can, but DO NOT resist. If they continue to search the house you can pursue legal remedies such as a law suit or, trying to have evidence thrown out should the police uncover something due to an illegal search.

Can police search your house when you have a warrant for your arrest?


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How do you use search warrant in a sentence?

The police got a search warrent in order to search the suspect's house. The suspect would not allow the police to search his home without a search warrant.

What are ways police search for drugs in a house?

The police can search a house on suspicion of the presence of drugs is a couple conditions are met. Firstly, if they have gone before a judge and been granted a warrant, then the house can be searched in accordance with the warrant. Second, if the police can demonstrate probable cause to suspect that there is illegal activity occurring in the house (i.e. the possession of drugs) then it can be searched but that search can be challenged on 4th Amendment grounds.

Can the English police keep property seized during a house search after the case as been concluded in court?

Yes, same with car searches the American police do not have to give the property back.

What allows police to search private homes?

Police can search a private home if they have a warrant to search a house. There may be some exceptions under the Patriot Act.

Do police have to show you a search before they search your house?

I guess that they search you first. If something weird is in your house then on your body might help to see what you're up to!

If given consent can police search your home without the suspect present?

Who ever owns the house and pays the bills should make the desision.

Can police search house find nothing and still arrest you?


What does the forth amendment mean?

I'll give an example. When police come knocking at your door, demanding you to open up and let them search the house, you can say, "No, I need to see your search warrant." The police MUST have a search warrant in order to search your house and if they don't, you can kick them out! :) Hehe.

If you are on informal probation do the police need a search warrant to search your house?

yes they have to have a paper signed by a judge