The Surenos are enemies with Nortenos, Bloods, Crips, Tiny Raskals Gang & in some states they're rivals with Folk Nation & People Nation gangs such as the Almighty Latin King & Queen Nation(People Nation gang) and the Gangster Disciples Nation(Folk Nation gang)....
That's hard to say cause both gangs have members of all races and are all over the United States. And Surenos and Crips are close allies since they share common enemies which are gangs under the Blood Alliance such as the Bloods, Pirus & Nortenos to name a few. *Surenos wear the colors brown and white *Crips wear the color blue
Surenos are the true chapetes NOT Nortenos
Surenos are foot soldiers for the Mexican mafia. There are hundreds of them. Surenos originated in Southern California, but are mostly found in Los Angeles and San Diego.
Yes, the Surenos gang is in Chicago.
The surenos are some people stupid puro Latin Kings and Bloods forever
The Surenos(Southside in english) are a mostly(but not exclusevly) Hispanic more specifically Mexican gang that started in the 1950's in Southern California. They are under the Mexican Mafias control along with other gangs such as Mara Salvatrucha(MS-13) & Eighteen Street Gang. Their colors are mainly light brown and white but some members still wear blue since that was their original color. Surenos main rivals are the Nortenos(Northside in english) & any other gang that is under the Blood Alliance ex:Bloods, Pirus, Nortenos & Brims to name a few. *Surenos or Sur for short stands for Southern United Raza or Strength Unity Respect. *Surenos wear the colors light brown & white(some still wear blue since it was their original color) to how their affiliation with the Mexican Mafia *Surenos rivals which are gangs under the Blood Alliance wear red *Surenos are close allies with the Crips(Crips are not apart of the Mexican Mafia) since they share common enemies
Surenos don't have ''13 missions''. Surenos isn't a video game it's a gang.
Surenos is primarily made up of ethnic Hispanics residing within the United States penal system. Surenos began in southern California and has since spread to every state.
Not all Surenos are bald, as far as the one's that are bald it's cause they choose to shave their heads but it's not a requirement that u have to shave ur head to be a Surenos or anything, it's just a choice.
The primary color identified with the Mexican Mafia is blue. The Southern Hispanics or Surenos as they identify themselves are in essence the foot soldiers or soldados of the Mexican Mafia and will often refer to themselves as being "True Blue". The enemies of the Mexican Mafia and Surenos are the Northern Hispanics or Nortenos who are aligned with the Nuestra Familia or Nuestra Raza, their adopted color is red.