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Q: Who allowed proposed legislation to be placed on the ballot for voter approval?
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No. No such ballot measure has been proposed.

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No. No such ballot measure has been proposed.

What is the submitting of a proposed measure for voting by the general public?

Submitting a proposed measure for voting by the general public is known as a referendum or ballot initiative. It allows citizens to directly participate in the decision-making process by voting on a specific issue or proposed law. This method gives individuals the opportunity to have a direct say in shaping legislation or determining important policies.

Which political reform gave people the power to put a proposed law on a the ballot?


Is the process allowing citizens to place a proposed law directly on the ballot by means of petition.?


Is the process allowing citizens to place a proposed law directly on the ballot by means of petition?


What type of ballot voters say yes or no?

A yes or no ballot is known as a "referendum" where voters express their approval or disapproval on a specific issue or proposal. This type of ballot is used to gauge public opinion on a particular matter before making a decision.

What is the term for the procedure allowing citizens to force the legislature to place a recently passed law on the ballot for public approval?


Are you allowed to vote for US Senators using an absentee ballot?

Yes, this is allowable.

How is a ballot initiative an example of direct democracy?

A ballot initiative takes a propose law directly to the voters for approval, rather than let it be argued in a legislative body. Before the propose law can be placed on the ballot, a petition to do so must be signed by a minimum number of registered voters.

What is an initiative of legislation?

A set number of registered voters sign a petition to put a initiative on the ballot. It then goes to the state election office and they validate the voter petitions. If it passes the correct number of signed registered voters it goes to be written properly for the ballot and written for the ballot. The economic affect of the initiative is also studied and placed with the initiative in the ballot.

What are citywide elections?

An election where the ballot has choices for the city government (elected officials, proposed ordinances, bond issues, etc).