The scheduling of bills in the Senate is left up to the Senate majority leader.
the senate majority leader
The Floor Leaders
a bill is referred to Senate Committee
it gets introduced then sent to committees (house of reps) then house votes on it then introduced to senate sent to senate committees senate votes on it voting is called floor action because the bill is on the "floor" for voting then to president where he approves or vetoes
it gets introduced then sent to committees (house of reps) then house votes on it then introduced to senate sent to senate committees senate votes on it voting is called floor action because the bill is on the "floor" for voting then to president where he approves or vetoes
Once a bill has been introduced on the floor of the House or Senate, it is referred to the appropriate committee or committees for evaluation.
The bill after every Senate and Delegate has approved or the votes win, the bill then must go to the executive branch.
Rules Committee
it gets introduced then sent to committees (house of reps) then house votes on it then introduced to senate sent to senate committees senate votes on it voting is called floor action because the bill is on the "floor" for voting then to president where he approves or vetoes
Floor debates are unlimited in the Senate. A senator has the right to speak for as long as she or he sees fit. This is called a filibuster.