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Daniel Webster and Robert Hayne

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Daniel Webster and Robert Hayne

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Q: Which two men debated the issue of states rights in the senate in 1830?
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How long has the issue of states rights been debated?

you are the ones who are suppost to be answering the questions

What roman government body could declare was or negotiate peace terms?

In ancient Rome whether to declare war or not was debated in the senate. The issue was then referred to the Assembly of the Soldiers, which voted on war and peace.

Who debated the slavery issue with Lincoln?

Abraham Lincoln Debated Stephen Douglas numerous times during their run for the U.S Senate in1858. Many other things were discussed also but Slavery was becoming a large issue for the morality of the times.Very good question! R Rawlings

What was related to the issue of states' rights?

The Kentucky and Virginia resolutions.It is the U.S. state governments that were related to the issue of states rights, and not the federal government.

How was the issue of the states rights unconstitutional?


What debates did Abe have?

Abraham Lincoln debated Stephen Douglas, during the US Senate campaign, in Illinois, in 1858. They debated 7 times, in 7 different cities throughout Illinois. The main topic of the debates was the issue of slavery.

What was the immidiate cause of the civil war?

The issue was states rights versus federal rights. The surface issue was slavery.

What was the basic issue in the nullification argument?

states rights

According to many antebellum southerners the issue of states' rights revolved around their right to?

For many southerners, the states' rights issue revolved around the right to own slaves.

How did the belief in states rights affect the issue of slavery?

dang it

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Why did states' right become an issue in 1820?
