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New York
"The states ratified the Constitution."
The constitution was ratified by all the 13 states in 1790 .
The states voted.
The United States Constitution was ratified by unanimous vote from Delaware, Georgia, and New Jersey.
Amendments to the constitution must be ratified by the states. To become part of the Constitution the Amendment must be approved by three-fourths of the states.
The US constitution was ratified by the governments of the original 13 colonies. The remaining 37 states of the union implicity ratified the constitution just by applying to join the existing union./nine states
It was important that Virginia ratified the Constitution because Virginia was one of the largest states then.
nine states ratified
The United States Constitution was ratified in order to establish a federal government with specified powers as well as conducting relations with foreign governments.
Any changes or amendments to the Constitution need to be ratified by three-fourths of the states. Out of 50 states, this totals 38.