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New York


Illinois and

Pennsylvania all have 21 or more electoral votes.

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Q: Which states have more than 20 electoral votes?
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Related questions

Why do states with a lot of land have few electoral votes?

Electoral votes are based on the state's population. This is why states with a lot of land can have fewer electoral votes than smaller states.

Did Barack Obama win more than twice as many electoral votes as John McCain?

Yes, Obama won 365 electoral votes, more than doubling McCain's 173 electoral votes.

What state has the highest electoral votes?

California, with 55 electoral votes in 2012.

Why Clinton get more electoral votes?

Hillary Clinton did not get more electoral votes than Donald Trump. In the 2016 presidential election Donald Trump received 304 electoral votes and Hillary Clinton received 227 electoral votes.

How many more electoral votes did Jackson receive in 1828 than in 1824?

Andrew Jackson received 99 electoral votes in 1824 and 178 electoral in 1828.

Which three states in the south have more electoral votes combined than all the other southern states combined?

Based on the 2010 Census, the 3 southern states with the most electoral votes are Texas 38, Florida 29 and Georgia 16.

If no candidate has more than half of the votes from the electoral college who chooses the president of the United States?

the house of representatives

If a presidential candidate wins 300 electoral votes by how many electral votes did that candidate exceed the minimum number of votes required?

only if there were 598 or 599 electoral votes An absolute majority of 538 electoral votes is 270 or more.

What is the number of states needed to win the presidency in the United States?

the president does not get elected by winning a certain number of states. each state represents a certain number of electoral votes; depending on their population. For example, Texas has a lot more people than Rhode Island, so they will have more electoral votes. If the presidential candidate wins a state, he receives all of their electoral votes. This means that even if a presidential candidate wins 30 states, it is possible that his rival may get more electoral points even if he only wins 20, as long as he has more votes, which is how he would be elected president

They have at least two electoral votes where are they?

Electoral votes are allocated to each state based on their representation in Congress, with each state receiving a minimum of three electoral votes. However, if you are referring to a specific region or state with only two electoral votes, it could be a smaller state like Montana or Wyoming, which have one at-large representative in addition to their two senators.

Does Florida have more electoral votes than Massachusetts?


Why do we have electoral colleges?

In some ways, abstract concepts like states and corporations are considered more influential than ordinary citizens.