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Q: Which state has the most congressional represenitives?
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What US State has the least Congressional Represenitives?

In the US House, six states have only one member each: Alaska, Delaware, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont and Wyoming.

What state has the most congressional representatives?


What Has 100 members 2 each state?

the house of represenitives

What federal officials are most accounted to the people?

members of the house of represenitives

How many represenitives are in the us house of represenitives for California?


How many state represenitives does Tennessee have?

It has 99 members of the State House of Representatives and 9 members of the US House of Representatives.

Congressional district boundaries are drawn by?

State legislatures in each state are responsible for drawing congressional district boundaries. There are 435 congressional districts in the United States.

Who redraws congressional districts?

State legislatures redraw the congressional districts every ten years.

Who is responsible for drawing congressional district?

The state legislators redraw congressional districts.

How many represenitives in the House of represenitives?

There are 435 members in the House of Representatives.

How many people are there in the house of represenitives?

There Are 435 Members In The House Of Represenitives.

How many senators are there incongress?

50.... 2 from each state the house of represenitives has a number which is compared to your states population