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Of course there isn't a single programming language that is best for hacking.. bla-bla...

My completely subjective point of view is that you should learn C or C++. There are several reasons for it:

  • most of the things interesting from a hacker point of view are written in these languages,
  • many other languages resemble either C or C++ so they're easier to learn after a exposure to C/C++
  • most exploits and proof of concepts for vulenerabilities are written in C/C++
  • C/C++ are very versatile so you can use them in a variety of places (platforms)

In addition to these, I would suggest learning some scripting language (python, ruby, perl etc.) and having a try with with java (lots of interesting mobile devices run/have apis for it).

I don't think bash is a "real" programming language, but it should also be part of your hacking repertoire... there are times where nothing is better than a little bash script.

You didn't ask so I won't go to deep in this, but really, hacking is more of an attitude towards things, so don't be centered on a programming language or specific tool. It's not what you know, but how you look at things that makes you a hacker. For honing thhe "attitude" side of things, is a very very good starting point ideed.

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Q: Which programming language is the best one to learn in order to learn hacking and become a hacker?
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Ethical hacking is where you are hired by a company and you attempt to hack into their system to expose flaws, which are then fixed before a real hacker gets in. You need good computer skills and have to take an ethical hacking course.

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Becoming a certified hacker requires IT training and a special certification. You have to be very careful because there are laws that forbid hacking and have severe consequences. You can read more on hacking at

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C is a coding language. Coding is programming on computer (like making games, apps etc.). A security hacker is someone who explores methods for breaching defenses and exploiting weaknesses in a computer system or network.

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To become a hacker, you would first need to take a wide variety of computer science courses and become well-versed in all the different programming codes and languages.

What do you need to become a hacker?

Exstensive knowledge of computer and software security, lots of programming skills, and ingenuity.

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Basically, its when a hacker hacks the hacker. Remember the prefix anti means against.

What is anti hacking?

Basically, its when a hacker hacks the hacker. Remember the prefix anti means against.

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i guess he is a german hacker , who is well knopwn for his hacking skills , and there is almax hacker who is an arab hacker who is super but nothing compared to the german max

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It is called hacking

How do you report a hacker on PlayStation?

go to his name and it should say report abuse go to it then hit inappropriate language but then instead of typing what they said say that they were hacking