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Q: Which one do you think had a greater impact on colonial government - the passage of the English bill of rights or the great awakening?
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Which you think had a greater impact colonial government -the passage of the English bll of rights or the great awakening?

the great awakening

Which is a greater impact on colonial government the passage of the English bill of rights or the great awakening?

The Great Awakening because it was better than bill of rights

What had a greater impact English Bill Of Rights or The Great Awaking?

The grat awakening

Which was a result of the Great Awakening in the colonies?

creating a greater number of congregations

How did the Coercive Acts punish the colonists of Boston?

One of the Coercive Acts of 1774, the Boston Port Act, closed Boston Harbor until the East India Company could be compensated for its cargo lost in the Boston Tea Party (1873). However, of greater impact was that the Massachusetts Government Act placed all appointments to positions in the colonial government in the hands of the colonial governor or the king.

Thoughts of political freedom and greater were effects of the Great Awakening.?

tolerance of religious differences

What are 3 effects of the Great Awakening?

A greater religious and political freedom; the great awakening also for the first time united colonies from north to south in a common cause.

How did great awakening affect protestants in the English colonies?

The Great Awakening revitalized the religious fervor among Protestants in the English colonies by emphasizing personal spiritual experiences and individual relationships with God. It led to the formation of new religious movements, increased religious diversity, and a greater emphasis on emotional preaching and revival meetings. Overall, it helped shape a more vibrant and active religious community in the colonies.

What effect did the gret awakening have on religious life in the colonies?

encouraging greater religious enthusiasm and political independence'

What did the great awakening?

It helped bring people together, which lead to greater religion, or acceptance of religious differences.

What did the great awakening do?

It helped bring people together, which lead to greater religion, or acceptance of religious differences.

Why might the teaching and spirit of the great awakening have led to a movement for greater democracy?

Just smoke weed it cures problems.