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The prosecutor's or district attorney's offices most often prosecute the majority of cases.

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Q: Which official prosecutes most criminal cases?
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How do you espong a criminal background?

Expunging a criminal record or background can only be done by a judge. In most cases, a judge must be given a very good reason for removing criminal behavior from the official record.

How are criminal cases settled?

Most "criminal court cases" are decided by the accused. It is you who has control over your destiny. 90% of criminal defendants plea out!

Why are most criminal cases heard in state courts?

Most criminal cases are heard in state courts because criminal law is primarily under the jurisdiction of state governments. States have their own criminal codes and court systems to handle cases involving violations of state laws. Federal courts typically only hear criminal cases involving violations of federal laws.

What is the job of the DA?

The DA or "district attorney" is charged with prosecuting criminal cases within his or her district. The DA is different from city attorneys, who are charged with prosecuting criminal cases within the municipality or the city. These types of lawyers do not have prosecutorial powers within the entire district, but only within their city or municipality. In contrast, the DA prosecutes criminal cases in the district which is usually comprised of multiple counties.For example, I reside in the South Central district of my state. We have seven total districts in my state. Because we have so few districts in such a big state, we have numerous district attorneys in service of of the state, and that is usually how it is in most states.

How are most cases that reach the courts in the United states resloved?

Most civil cases are settled outside of court. Most criminal cases are finalized with a plea bargain.

Are most criminal cases are decided in the state court systems?

Yes, the states hear far more criminal cases than the federal courts do.

Which federal court are most federal crime cases held?

Most federal criminal cases are tried in US District Court.

Why need a forensic in most murder case?

The state prosecutes a murder.

What is the most of the more important civil and criminal cases are heard in?

Most criminal cases are heard in the state trial courts. By comparison, the federal courts hear relatively few criminal cases (only 78,428 in 2010), many related to illegal immigration, whereas the state courts, combined, try more than a million criminal cases per year. A report published by the Bureau of Judicial Statistics estimated 1,132,290 criminal cases were filed in state courts in 2006 (the most recent year for which aggregate statistics are available).

How do you know when a relationship becomes official?

A relationship is in most cases official when it's on Facebook.

What type of cases require a jury?

No cases require a jury. Most civil and criminal cases can be tried with a jury if the parties request one.

What are most criminal cases resolved by?

A plea of guilty - usually to a lesser offense.