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Q: Which of the groups believed a division of powers between the states and the central government would create a balance of power?
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What groups believed a division of powers between the states and the central government would create a balance of powers?


What group believed a division of power between the states and central government would create a balance of power?


What group believed a division of powers between the states and central government would create a balance of power?


What issue did Daniel Webster and John Calhoun disagree on?

Calhoun believed in the expansion of states' rights over the federal government and Webster believed in the federal government more than the states' rights.

In which type of government did the federalists believe?

a strong central government

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What do they mean by the checks and balance systems of the American Government?

What is the division of power between federal government and state government is called what?


What feature of the U.S. government is based on the principle of federalism?

the division of powers between the federal government and the states. hope that helps.

What form of government is based on constitutional division of powers between nation and states?

federalA bi-level republic would fit the bill.

Which best defines federalism?

Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and constituent political units, such as states or provinces. This division of power allows for a balance between national unity and regional autonomy.

What did Aristotle believe was the best form or government?

Aristotle believed that a mixed form of government, where power was shared between a monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy, was the best form of government. He argued that this balance would prevent the corruption and abuse of power that could arise in pure forms of government.

The division of powers between the national government and the states is a?
