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Corrupting youth

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Q: Which of the crimes below is one of the two offenses Socrates is accused ofWhich of the crimes below is one of the two offenses Socrates is accused of?
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Which if the crimes below is one of the two offenses Socrates is accused of?

Corrupting the youth and impiety towards the gods are the two main charges brought against Socrates.

What crimes was Socrates was accused of?

Socrates was tried on two charges :Not believing in the Athenian godsCorrupting youthLeading the youth of Athens astray, and Impiety.

Of what two crimes was Socrates accused?

Socrates was accused of corrupting the youth of Athens by introducing new gods and not believing in the city's gods.

What was socrates not accused of by the Athenian court?

Socrates was not accused of physical crimes like theft or murder by the Athenian court. Instead, he was charged with impiety (not believing in the city's gods) and corrupting the youth of Athens with his philosophical teachings.

What two crimes is socrates accused of?

Socrates was accused of corrupting the youth and impiety (not believing in the gods of the state). These charges led to his trial and eventual sentencing to death by drinking hemlock.

What crimes did Socrates committ?

Socrates did not commit any crimes. However, he was accused and convicted of impiety and corrupting the youth of Athens, based on his teachings and philosophical inquiries. Socrates' "crime" was challenging traditional beliefs and provoking critical thinking, which ultimately led to his execution.

What were the three types of Crimes that people were accused of at the Nuremberg trials?

The three main types of crimes people were accused of at the Nuremberg trials were crimes against peace, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. These encompassed offenses such as starting wars of aggression, committing atrocities during wartime, and perpetrating acts of genocide or other inhumane acts against civilian populations.

Why does he US protects the right of people accused of crimes?

Because they are accused of crimes it does not mean they committed those crimes.

What event occurs first in The Apology of Socrates by Plato?

Socrates proposes a sentence for his crimes.

What is a crimes by imitation?

So-called "copycat" offenses.

Are crimes limited to physical crimes?

No, there are also "crimes against property," crimes against 'the state' (Treason) as well as a host of innumerable other offenses.

A country or leader who was accused of war crimes or genocide?

Another country/ leader that was accused of war crimes was the Peruvian president from South America.