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The Tenure of Office Act

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Q: Which law said that a president had to get permissmission to remove anyone appointed by a past president?
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Which law that president had to get permission to remove anyone appointed by a past president?

Treasure of office act

Which law said that a president had to get permission to remove anyone appointed by a last president?

The tenure of office act

Can the president remove any officeholders he has appointed?

YesThe President can remove any officeholders he has appointed.

What law says that a president had to get permission to remove anyone appointed by past president?

There is no law that states that. Just look at what Trump has done in 190 days and you can see that a law like that doesn't exist.

What is the point of impeachment?

To get a president out of office that has committed "high crimes and misdemeanors".

What is the president's removal power and why is it controversial?

The removal power refers to the power of the President to remove non-elected government employees from their jobs. The power is controversial because of several factors. One is that federal judges serve for life, unless impeached by Congress. However, other positions such as the Fair Trade Commission have judicial powers, even if they are not judges. Can the President remove them? If the president wants to remove a lower-level employee that he did not appoint, but the supervisor of that employee does not want to remove him, can the President remove the supervisor ? Can the President remove government employees appointed by Congress, such as a special prosecutor?

Who can impeach the house of representatives?

Article I of the US Constitution states that the House has sole power of impeachment, or accusation. "impeachment" means to accuse, not to remove from office. Officials named in Article II Section 4 as vulnerable to impeachment: * The President * The Vice President * All Civil Officers of the United States While it is unclear what is meant by Civil Officers, Congress defines it as anyone appointed by the President. Under this definition, they may also impeach: * Federal Judges * Cabinet Members

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How do you remove yourself from Executor of an estate in Kansas?

File a resignation with the court that appointed you.File a resignation with the court that appointed you.File a resignation with the court that appointed you.File a resignation with the court that appointed you.

Whom did president Martin van Buren appoint to lead the forcible removal of the Cherokee Nation?

Old Fuss and Feathers, Brigadier General Winfield Scottwas appointed in 1838 by Vice President Martin Van Buren to remove the Cherokee indians.

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Can the military remove the president from office?

The military does not have the athority to remove the president from office.