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This can not be answered with just one law because there is not just one general law for all federal agencies. It depends on which agency in discussion. Such as the Federal Aviation Act outlines the guidelines the must be taken for air control while the Clean Air Act outlines the steps needed to be take by the EPA.

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Q: Which law designates the steps that federal agencies must follow in issuing rules and regulations?
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Making and enforcing workplace safety regulations is the primary responsibility of which federal organization?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is the US federal agency that has the primary responsibility for issuing and enforcing workplace safety regulations. However, many other agencies, both federal and state, also have responsibilities in this area.

Laws designated the steps that the federal agencies must follow in issuing rules and regulations?

This can not be answered with just one law because there is not just one general law for all federal agencies. It depends on which agency in discussion. Such as the Federal Aviation Act outlines the guidelines the must be taken for air control while the Clean Air Act outlines the steps needed to be take by the EPA.

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Federal OSHA is an agency in the US Department of Labor that is responsible for issuing workplace safety and health standards, and for inspecting covered workplaces to confirm compliance. Federal OSHA regulations apply to private sector employers of employees, and by Executive Order to some agencies of the Federal Government. They do not apply to State or local governments and most Federal government agencies, except in so far as those agencies decide on their own to use them. By a recent Act of Congress, Federal OSHA regulations now also apply to Congressional workplaces. Indiana OSHA is a state agency authorized by OSHA to operate an occupational safety and health regulatory process within the state of Indiana. Their regulations must be at least as effective as those of Federal OSHA, but they may be more effective. As a condition of being permitted to operate this process in Indiana in place of the Federal organization, Indiana OSHA is required to cover public sector employment as well as private sector. In return, Federal OSHA reimburses Indiana up to 90% of the cost of the state program.

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yes they do.

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The federal government borrows money from issuing Treasury bonds. The bonds are bought by people, businesses and other government agencies. The bonds work by people lending money to the government who in turn pays back that money plus interest.

What is the functions of Occupational Safety and Hazard Administration?

There is no organization called "Occupational Safety and Hazard Administration" Most likely the questioner is thinking of the "Occupational Safety and Health Administration," a US Federal agency in the Department of Labor that is responsible for issuing regulations on health and safety in the workplace and for inspecting workplaces for compliance with those regulations.

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Nothing tangible. Federal Reserve Notes in the United States are fiat money, backed by the people's faith in the issuing Federal Reserve bank.

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Case Law is the law that develops as the result of court cases that have been adjudicated on a particular point. The cumulative result of court cases identifies "what the law is." The other ways law is made is by the act of a legislative body, or by an administrative agency issuing regulations.

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The federal government is in charge of issuing patents and maintaining copyright files.

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Department of the Treasury