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Q: Which is one power assigned to the states to declare warto print moneyto provide schooling?
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What are the powers of congress listed in article 1 section 8 of Constitution?

to lay and collect taxes, duties, imports, and excisesto borrow moneyto coin moneyto declare warto provide for a militiato define and punish piraciesto create courts (other than the supreme court) to rise and support and army or navy to establish rules for naturalization and bankrupt

What are the Constitutional powers of Congress?

Constitutional powers of Congress include legislative powers, the power to declare war, and the powers of the purse. The powers of the purse include borrowing money on the credit of the U.S, authorizing the printing of money, and passing revenue bills.

Does Switched-On Schoolhouse provide a child with the same elements as regular schooling?

Switched-On Schoolhouse does provide the same elements as regular schooling but it also provides specialized attention for at-risk student as well which is great.

Civil rights declare what the government?

Can do for citizens or provide to them.

What website will provide home schooling for my children?

There are many programs online that aid you in home schooling your children. Information about these programs can be found at various websites, including:

What powers are held by both states and federal government?

Those powers are called concurrent powers and they are:To collect taxesTo burrow moneyTo establish courtsTo charter banksTo enforce laws and punish law breakersTo provide for the health and welfare of the peopleHope this helps!

What services did the freedmen's bureau provide?

it provided schooling, health centers, and many more services to all African American people Dr. H All of the answers are correct

What where the states obligation under the articles?

1) provide schooling and education2) provide protection (police)3) provide safety (fire departments)4) give a driver's license5) approve zoning and land use

How difficult is it to provide home schooling for your children?

Home schooling for children can be more difficult than it appears. You have to be able to commit the time to the schooling, along with being able to handle the financial burden with only one parent working. You can find more information at

What services does National Education provide?

National Education offers an alternative curricular resource. If someone is home schooling then National Education will provide them with books and guide sheets to help.

Information on home schooling requirements.?

if you want to know the requirements of home schooling may perhaps be useful to visit the following website will provide you continuation I hope it will be of great help

Where there any schools ran in the Warsaw ghetto?

As far as possible, the Jews in the various ghettos tried to provide some schooling for the children.