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Q: Which house is likely to be more responsive to voter's wishes?
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Will the Republicans take back the House or the Senate in the 2010 elections?

it really depend on us voters if we let them, if not then more and likely it will remain democratic government

The Framers intended the House of Representatives to be?

They intended the House of Representatives to be close to the people and responsive to their needs.

Do eligible voters get to vote for candidates running for House of Representatives?

Yes- all registered voters in the US can vote for a congressman to represent his district in the House.

Who do registered voters directly elect?

Voters directly elect members of the Senate and members of the House of Representatives

A representative in the house of Representative are chosen by?

They are chosen by voters

Voters elect just two for this house?


Representation in the white house is determined by the?

The voters of the United States.

How are the members of the house elected?

They are voted for by the voters of the representatives district.

The voters in the british parliamentary system elect?

the house of commons

How are house of representitives elected?

By popular vote of the voters in their particular district.

What government officials are LEAST directly responsible to the voters?

the House of Representatives

Which government officials are most directly responsible to the voters?

The house of representatives.