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freedom of the press

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Q: Which gives Americans the right to publish or broadcast opinions and ideas freely?
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What is the purpose of broadcast?

Broadcast Television stations made a deal with the government. They are allowed freely broadcast their programming around the country as long as they provide a certain amount of hours of informational new broadcasts to keep the public informed for free.

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The Pickney's Treaty gave Americans the right to travel freely on Mississippi River, not the Jay's Treaty

How are peoples views taken into account in dictatorship?

That's the whole point of a dictatorship. Peoples views are NOT taken into account. The dictator dictates the laws they he/she wants. End of story!!!! In dictatorships the press is often silenced, or only allowed to publish what the dictator wants the public to read. People who try and publish other material are 'shut-down' and/or locked up. Conversely, the word 'democracy' has it roots in Classical Greece, and means the 'rule or will of the people', ; 'Demos', people and 'Cratos' to rule. Peoples opinions and views are taken into account and the press can publish freely any material its likes. Hence the political leaders of a democratic nation have to make laws that reflect these views and opinions. People are not silenced.

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It allows you to write freely and get your thoughts down on paper.

How can brainstorming help you develop your opinions on certain topic?

It allows you to write freely and get your thoughts down on paper.

How can brainstorming help you develop your opinions on a certain topic?

It allows you to write freely and get your thoughts down on paper.

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I wouldn't say the fox "reports" lie they just have their own opinions which may or may not be true. So no they are not required to lie its just their opinions.

What is the purpose of broadcasting news?

Broadcast television stations made a deal with the government. They are allowed freely broadcast their programming around the country as long as they provide a certain amount of hours of informational new broadcasts to keep the public informed for free.

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Jack Strify prefers to keep such details private. He does not publish any personal details freely, and kindly asks his fans to respect his privacy. ;)

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Two ways Americans can exercise their democracy is by voting and by freely speaking. Both are integral parts of a democratic system of government.

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These proposals would give the city council greater freedom in deciding how to spend their money. He finally won his freedom after twenty years in jail. The Syrians want greater political freedom

What goal was shared by The Freedmen's Bureau and the Enforcement Acts?

Insure that African Americans could freely exercise their rights as citizens