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Example King Louis XIV was a dictator and threatened anyone who went against him becuase he believed God gave him the throne and anyone to go against him was going against Gods judgement.

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Q: Which form of government typically maintained its power through force and fear?
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A system in which the right to rule is acquired through force is typically described as a dictatorship or autocracy. This form of government does not rely on democratic processes or popular support, but rather on the use of power and coercion to maintain control.

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The origin of government emphasizes the power of violence through the force theory.

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When pulling an object, the force involved is typically tension. Tension is the force transmitted through a rope, cable, or similar object when it is pulled tight.

Can power be maintained without force?

Balanced the force must be. Bring balance the Young Skywalker will.

In which type of government is power taken by force?

Generally speaking a violent takeover of a government by an absolute ruler is termed a dictatorship. This type of government has many variations, however, the main result of this is clearly a dictatorship.