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Going to yo momma's house , doing gov't stuff, chillin with homies family and friends in the sky

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Q: Which federal policies exemplifies the implied power of congress?
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What are examples in today's world where Congress have exercised implied power?

conress have implied powers in federal minimumn wage

What power belongs to the federal government under the elastic clause?

Implied powers belong to the federal government under the elastic clause. Implied powers are the powers exercised by Congress which are not explicitly given by the Constitution itself but necessary and proper to execute the powers which are.

What power does congress have to investigate?

an implied power

What is one result of the supreme court decision in McCulloch v Maryland case?

The federal government gained powers not explicitly mentioned in the constitution

Is censoring the radio and tv an implied power of congress?


Internal Review Service?

an implied power of congress

Most of Congress's implied powers are based on the?

Most of Congress's implied powers are based on the constitution. It very plainly sets out the duties and privileges that Congress should have.

How is The elastic clause relates To congress's implied powers?

it related to because the congress seqoya was here

How is the elastic clause related to Congress implied powers?

it related to because the congress seqoya was here

What do implied powers permit Congress to do?

The Power to have a military draft

Powers that are not directly stated in the constitution are called implied powers who gets the implied powers?

federal government.

What are congresses implied powers?

Implied powers are the authorities that although are not specifically delegated in the constitution are still a power. A good example for an implied power in congress is that the constitution gives Congress the expressed power of providing for a Navy and an Army. But, they also provide for the Air Force. Though this is not listed in the constitution because there were no airplanes during this time, it was implied that Congress should provide for all of the military.