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11mo ago

Sweden has the legislative branch called the Riksdag. It is a unicameral parliament and is responsible for making laws, approving budgets, and overseeing government activities. The Riksdag consists of 349 members who are elected every four years through a proportional representation system.

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Q: Which country has the legislative branch is called the riksdag?
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Legislative branch of government is Parliament. Member of Parliament are elected by the citizens of a country. They also can be called representatives.

Is there a congress in Sweden?

No, Sweden has a unicameral legislative assembly called the Riksdag. It has 349 members, is elected on a proportional basis, and serves for 4 years.

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The legislative branch of the federal government is called the Congress.

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In short:the legislative branch makes the laws of the country- this is called "legislating".the executive branch "executes" the laws- that is, it makes sure that the laws are being followed, or if the law says that the government is supposed to do something, the executive branch is the part that does it.

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Sweden's parliament is called the Riksdag, referred to in Swedish as the Sveriges riksdag (meaning The National Diet of Sweden).

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Senators and Representatives are a part of the Legislative Branch of government.

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The Riksdag.

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