The House Armed Services Committee (HASC) and Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) are responsible for preparing the National Defense Authorization bills and reports.
Most bills die in the "committee" portion of the legislative process.
rules committee
The committee in the House of Representatives that considers all new tax bills is the Ways and Means Committee. Being on that committee is considered a pathway to power.
There are 2 types of committee reports and they are Standing and Special this answer can also be found on page 42 in your FFA Manual
One out of every six bills is favorably reported out of committee.
In committee
They are killed.
A quorum is whatever the rules of the committee say, or the rules of the bigger organization that appointed the committee and to which the committee reports back.
conference committee
The bills proposed and discussed in the legislative branch grow out of committee's. Committee's meet and study bills before presenting them to the House or Senate.