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All of the Cabinet departments are considered to be close advisors to the President. Some may say that the Vice President is the closest advisor to the President out of all the members of the Cabinet.

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Q: Which cabinet department secretary is the closest advisor to the President?
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This cabinet department secertary is the closest advisor to the president?


What is one cabinet level position?

The Cabinet is the collective association of the President, the Vice-President, and of appointed officials who are responsible for running each department of the government, and as such represents the administrative arm of the Executive Branch. Each Department is headed by an official referred to as "Secretary" of that department, i.e, Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Agriculture, and so on. The Cabinet is ad hoc also, in the sense that it may include any other official the President chooses to include, such as National Security Advisor, Ambassador to the United Nations, or other officials. In and of itself, while it is composed of Department heads, the Cabinet is not an official decision-making body, and serves only to advise the President. Their deliberations are not put to formal votes, and The President has the final authority in all executive-level decisions that may pertain to Cabinet deliberations.

The Secretary of Defense reports to who?

The President, because he is the head of a Cabinet department.

Cabinet members have a dual role one to the department and one as advisor to the President?


What do Secretary's of state do?

The United States Secretary of State is the head of the U.S. Department of State, concerned with Foreign Affairs. Secretary of State is also the Highest- Ranking Cabinet Secretary in the President's Cabinet. The president choose the secretary of state.

What does secretary of state do?

The United States Secretary of State is the head of the U.S. Department of State, concerned with Foreign Affairs. Secretary of State is also the Highest- Ranking Cabinet Secretary in the President's Cabinet. The president choose the secretary of state.

Who is the the head official in the Department of Commerce?

The Secretary of Commerce, a member of the President's cabinet.

Who heads the major departments in the executive branch?


Is the secretary of state a cabinet department?

Yes, it is a Cabinet department

What following positions is held by the top ranking official in the president cabinet?

The highest position in the president's cabinet is Secretary of State.

Is the head of the federal department in the president's cabinet?

That depends on the department. If the department is a Cabinet Level department (Defense, Interior, etc.) the head is a cabinet secretary, while other departments (Postal Service, Fish and Wildlife Department) are not Cabinet Level and therefore their heads are not cabinet secretaries.

What is the name of the departmentalgroup that advises the president?

It is called the Cabinet. The Cabinet consists of all the department heads appointed by the president and they individually and collectively advise the president on the decisions he must make. Head of the Justice Department is the Attorney General Head of the Labor Department is the Secretary of Labor Head of the Department of Defense is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Head of the Treasury Department is the Secretary of the Treasury There are several other departments in the Cabinet.