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Nevaeh Benton2

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Q: Which branch of government do you think received the most power under the Constitution Explain your answer including why the Framers may have done it this way?
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What are the Articles of Constitution?

The Articles of the Constitution explain how the government works. They describe the rules for electing our government officials including the President and Senators.

What article of the constitution?

The Articles of the Constitution explain how the government works. They describe the rules for electing our government officials including the President and Senators.

The constitution consists of seven that explain the branches and functions of the US government?

The constitution consists of seven ________ that explain the branches and also functions of the united states government?

What is the name for the portion of the US Constitution that explain the purposes of the US government?

The Preamble

How would a strong national government help to allow the constitution change?

Your question is far to vague. You need to explain what government and what constitution. How the people would react. hat you mean by strong.

What do the articles in the Contitution mean?

The Articles in the Constitution explain the different branches of government and explains their powers. They lay a basic framework for the government.

Explain a constitution based federal republic?

A Constitution based federal republic is a system in which the people vote for government officials to represent themselves that will be held accountable based on the laws of the Constitution.

Explain the difference between a constitution and a constitutional government?

While a Constitutional government is often a limited government, they are not always one and the same. A constitutional government contains formal documents that define its institutions and powers of the government. By that definition, the constitution is limited; however, there are clauses and changes that are often able to be made which allows the government to operate under its constitution but still be able to move.

Why do you need a written constitution?

There are innumerable benefits for a nation to have a written constitution. Here are some of the major ones: The constitution will define what powers the government has. The constitution will define all the rights of its citizens. The constitution will explain how to make changes to itself.

Explain federalism in your own word?

It is a system of government in which a written constitution divides power between central or national government and several regional government.

Briefly explain the separation of powers established by the constitution?

Separation of powers as defined in the Constitution of the United States has to do with the power the government has over the states. It also provides for states to govern themselves by the rules of the Constitution.

What do the articles in the constitution explain?

The articles in the constitution outline the structure of the government, define the powers and responsibilities of each branch, establish the system of checks and balances, and enumerate the rights of citizens. They provide a framework for governing a country and ensure that the government operates within the limits set by the constitution.