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Q: Which branch can declare legislaton unconstitutional?
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Which branch is for can declare presidential acts unconstitutional?

The Judicial Branch can declare an act of the President unconstitutional.

Which branch of government has the power to declare acts of the excutive branch unconstitutional?

The Judicial Branch has the power to declare the acts unconstitutional.

What doese the judicial branch do?

The judicial branch can declare acts unconstitutional and can also declare laws unconstitutional.

Who can declare unconstitutional?

The Judaical branch

Does the Judicial Branch have checks on any of the other Branches?

Yes. The Judicial Branch can declare a law unconstitutional, and it can declare presidential actions unconstitutional.

What branch can declare laws unconstitutional?

The Judicial Branch.

What branch has the power to the declare a law unconstitutional?

The Judicial branch.

Who can declare President Unconstitutional?

The Judaical branch

This branch can declare legislation unconstitutional?


What branch has the power to declare an executive act unconstitutional?

The Judicial Branch had this power. The process in which this branch declare laws constitutional or unconstitutional is called the Judicial Review

Which branch of the government declare the actions of the executive branch to be unconstitutional?


What branch of government declare actions of the executive branch to be unconstitutional?
