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The 25 amendment specifies the procedure for replacing the vice-president and for temporarily removing the president from power and giving the vice-president the presidential power.

The Constitution itself makes the Vice President President if the President dies or leaves office. It also gives Congress the power to establish a presidential succession list to be used if there is no vice-president.

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Q: Which amendment allows the positions of president and vice president to be filled in caes of death or removal from office?
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Which amendment allows for election of the president and vice president as a ticket?

The 12th amendment has this effect. It provides for separate elections of the president and vice-president.

What amendment to us constitution allows the vice president to serve as acting president?

The 25th Amendment of the Constitution of the United States prescribes when and how the vice president becomes the Acting President.

What Constitutional Amendment allows for the Vice President to temporarily take over for the president in time of illness?

25th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution

Which amendment established the tradition that if a president dies or steps down the vice president takes his places?

The body of the Constitution says that the Vice-president will fill a vacancy in the Presidency. The 25th Amendment allows for a disabled President to be replaced until he can function again.

Which amendment established the tradition that if a president dies or step down the vice-president takes his place?

The body of the Constitution says that the Vice-president will fill a vacancy in the Presidency. The 25th Amendment allows for a disabled President to be replaced until he can function again.

Why was the order of succession to the presidency changed by the 25th amendment?

Article 2, section 1, of the Constitution of the United States of America allows the Vice President to take the duties, but not the office, of President. The twenty-fifth Amendment to the same allows the Vice President to take office, and allows the President to temporarily give up his powers, and later retake them, and allows the Vice President and Cabinet to collectively temporarily remove the President, and Title 3 of the United States Code, section 19 specifies an order of succession for the cases where the President and Vice President are both unable to serve. Despite common belief, neither the Constitution nor the twenty-fifth Amendment allows the Speaker of the House or the President pro tempore of the Senate to take office.

What amendment provides for succession to the presidency and presidency and presidential disability?

The twenty-fifth Amendment allows the Vice President to take office, and allows the President to temporarily give up his powers, and later retake them, and allows the Vice President and Cabinet to collectively temporarily remove the President, and Title 3 of the United States Code, section 19 specifies an order of succession for the cases where the President and Vice President are both unable to serve. Despite common belief, neither the Constitution nor the twenty-fifth Amendment allows the Speaker of the House or the President pro tempore of the Senate to take office.Article 2, section 1, of the Constitution of the United States of America allows the Vice President to take the duties, but not the office, of President.

What amendment made vice president president if the president died?

Though stated in the body of the original Constitution, Article II, Secotion 1, the 25th Amendment (XXV) further clarifies that the Vice President is always the direct successor to the President (in the event of his/her death, or other special circumstances elaborated on therein). Additionally, the 20th Amendment (XX) provides that in the event of the President-elect's death (again, among other things) prior to being swort in, the Vice-President elect is to then serve as President in his place (from innauguration day until the end of the original term 4 years later).

What happens if the president goes insane while in office?

The 25th amendment to the Constitution allows for a procedure to allow the Vice President to assume the duties of "Acting President".

What amendment established the order of succession tip the presidency?

Article 2, section 1, of the Constitution of the United States of America allows the Vice President to take the duties, but not the office, of President. The twenty-fifth Amendment to the same allows the Vice President to take office, and allows the President to temporarily give up his powers, and later retake them, and allows the Vice President and Cabinet to collectively temporarily remove the President, and Title 3 of the United States Code, section 19 specifies an order of succession for the cases where the President and Vice President are both unable to serve. Despite common belief, neither the Constitution nor the twenty-fifth Amendment allows the Speaker of the House or the President pro tempore of the Senate to take office.References:

Which article allows the citizens of Washington DC to vote for the president?

The 23rd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution allows the Presidential vote for the District of Columbia. The amendment was proposed by Congress on June 16, 1960 and was ratified on March 29, 1961.

What limits the presidency to a two term limit?

The 22nd amendment to the constitution allows a president to be elected to at most two terms.