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Q: Where to serve from where the serve can be taken?
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Whose home was taken to serve as a cemetery for the union soldiers?

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Do you lose your license for hit and run in mass?

You would, but it may be taken seriously and you may serve time.

Dylan Thomas serve in World War 2?

Yes but was taken away because he was to weak due to his condition

In the transatlantic trade cycle which group provided forced labor?

Slaves were taken from Africa to the West Indies to serve as labor.

What powers congress should be taken away?

power to vote themselves raises, as well as the right to serve unlimited terms

What is foot vault in tennis?

If you were referring to foot fault, foot fault is when serving you foot steps on the baseline or if it crosses the middle of the baseline. If you do commit a foot-fault, a serve is taken away from you; i.e if you make a foot-fault on a first serve you have to hit a 2nd serve and if you make a foot-fault on a second serve, a double fault is given.

What are the dietary references intake designed for?

they are used to limit your intake our serve as a guide to how much intake is taken in

How many times will the police come to your home to serve a warrant if they don't find you there?

As often as they want until the warrant is taken care of.

What to do when your sister is executor of your mothers estate but dies before your mom does What actions need to be taken?

No actions need to be taken, as your mother still lives. She can modify the will to appoint a new executor. Or when she does pass on, the court can appoint someone else to serve.

US sailors were kidnapped to serve here?

Shanghai was one place that sailors were taken to, many from San Francisco.

Can a knight may serve a serf in exchange for horses?

A serf was a slave. Most slaves were taken in war or sold to pirates who sold them into slavery.

In which system was Devshirme in?

Young Christian males were required to serve the Ottoman sultan.