MLB player Dean Anna was born in Harvey, IL.
MLB player Garrett Jones was born in Harvey, IL.
The address of the Markham Historical Society is: 3714 W 162Nd Pl, Harvey, IL 60428-4414
Usually you can obtain sandbags from your local fire stations.
The address of the Thornton Township Historical Society is: 154 E 154Th St, Harvey, IL 60426
The address of the Harvey Pitts Waterfowl Museum is: 522 E Orchard Ln, Du Quoin, IL 62832
Eric Knott was born September 23, 1974, in Harvey, IL, USA.
Dizzy Trout died February 28, 1972, in Harvey, IL, USA.
Lou Boudreau was born July 17, 1917, in Harvey, IL, USA.
Dick Weik died April 21, 1991, in Harvey, IL, USA.
Don Robertson was born October 15, 1930, in Harvey, IL, USA.
Pete Stanicek was born April 18, 1963, in Harvey, IL, USA.